Meet Sara: An inspirational patient journey

Sara B is a patient of the Hruska Clinic who has been through a long journey with her recovery from multiple issues. She has been through the process of integration with our dental teams, and optometric teams and knows most PRI exercises out there! This testimonial...

Meet Kelsey: A PRIME testimonial

Meet Kelsey: A PRIME testimonial and discussion on “Long-Haul COVID” Meet Kelsey: Our conversation with Kelsey discusses her background and battle with “Long-Haul COVID” and how she found The Postural Restoration Institute (PRI) and PRIME and...

PRIME services now may include online consultation

PRIME services now may include telehealth consultation 8 AUGUST, 2020 Because of increased demand, and our ability to offer a unique perspective and recommendations for many patients, The Hruska Clinic, through our PRIME program, is pleased to announce that we will be...

Coming Soon: PRIME Newsletter

As we look forward to what is to come in 2018 here at PRIME have decided that we would love to be able to better Engage with our patients and referral sources and other people who may be interested in what is going on with our program.  So we have decided that we...

Virtual Reality Sickness = Real Virtual Sickness

Virtual Reality Sickness = Real Virtual Sickness 19 JUNE, 2017 Using the struggles of technology to address and inform what we do in PRIME for patients with dizziness, dysautonomic issues, and difficulty with upright function. While I am not a big technology or game...

March Madness in PRIME

March madness in PRIME March 2017 was the busiest month to date for our PRIME program.  Over the month we saw 11 different PRIME patients (8 new and 3 returning patients)  From 8 different states and 2 countries.  Hear more from our  UK patient, Richard below.  We had...

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