As we look forward to what is to come in 2018 here at PRIME have decided that we would love to be able to better Engage with our patients and referral sources and other people who may be interested in what is going on with our program. So we have decided that we would like to start a newsletter that we will send out to update anyone who is interested. The content will probably vary in who is writing it (PT, Vision, Dentist etc.) , what type of content will be provided (case studies, testimonials, concepts, activity recommendations, etc.), and in what manner (video, writing etc.), most likely based on what kind of activity is going on within our program. You will also get an e-mail notification anytime new articles are posted to our Blog as well. Our hope is to regularly (the goal is monthly but that may change to more or less frequently depending on what is going on in the clinic) send out some information to assist those of you who have taken the time to engage with us. If you are interested in this please fill out the contact form below and provide us with your contact information. We promise not to bombard you with spammy information. If you have questions about it contact us here.
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