Download all application or triage forms here.  Also download other printable information on PRIME to share with others.

PRIME Referral form

For health care practitioners

If you are a referring someone for PRIME please download this one page referral form fill it out and return it to us to assist us in gaining information on your patient.

**The patient also needs to download and fill out the application forms.


PRIME Application Packet

For potential patients

Click here to download our PRIME application packet including the questionnaire and instructions on how to apply to PRIME.

If you have questions about the packet or need a Word file rather than .pdf file please contact us at

PRIME Information Packet

Click here for a downloadable PRIME Information Packet.  It includes information on our PRIME program including a general summary of what to expect, what to bring, who you will see, where to stay and what to do when you are here in Lincoln.  If you need additional information or have questions don’t hesitate to contact us.

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