PRIME Clinical Integration Specialists

Integration is Key! Learn how our specialists keep each discipline integrated seamlessly together, always with the patient at the center.

Here are some of the integral things our Clinical Integration Specialists do…

Clinical Integration Assessment

On the first day you are here your Clincial Integration Specialist will spend time with you reviewing your history, obtaining some objective data, and finalizing which specialists you will need to see based on those findings.  Commonly, shoe recommendations and orthotic needs will be made at this session.

Orthotic Integration

Education on orthotic (glasses, mouth splint, shoes etc) use and wear schedule

Neutrality assurance

Assistance at dental appointments for assuring correct neck and body position is maintained with bite registration and splint dispensal

Life Integration

Our staff will Instruct in how to integrate this program into your specific daily life including education in additional “non-PT” recommended activities and treatments

Referring Practitioner Engagement

Communication and program development with referring practitioners

Continued Patient Engagement

Communication with patient as needed for follow up (email/phone)

Stacy, who is our Administrative Coordinator, will be invaluable to assist you in getting information to and from PRIME as well as facilitate your scheduling for PRIME.  Along with Stacy we have a dedicated Patient Liason, Megan, who is available to talk to you about the PRIME program and answer any questions you may have from a patient’s perspective.  She offers some invaluable insight as one of our team members as well as a former patient. Listen below to hear Megan and her husband Mike discuss their journey through PRIME and how it helped her get her life back.

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