PRIME Dentistry

Learn more about the dental teams we use with our PRIME program
Learn more about SMILE innovationsLearn more about Dr Rebecca Hohl

Dr Megan Hungerford , DDS

Dentist, SMILE Innovations, PRIME Dental Team

Dr Megan and her clinical team at SMILE innovations assist us in fabrication of our occlusal orthotics.  She takes impressions, bite registrations, and seats and equilibrates the orthotics with the assistance of the case managaing Physical Therapist ensuring proper neck and body position are maintained.  She will make recommendations from a dentist’s perspective as she sees fit, if other dental issues may be playing a role.

Dr Rebecca Hohl, DDS, MS

Orthodontist, PRIME Dental Team

When needed, Dr. Rebecca Hohl provides invaluable insight and input for our PRIME team through disgnostic records, examination and consultation.  Her integrative perspective for the influence of tooth and cranial position is invaluable.  She will also provide assistance with orthodontia recommendations as well as palatal expansion and airway management if needed. Typically this is not part of an initial PRIME week plan, but may be utilized during follow-up sessions if these issues are deemed necessary to address

PRIME Dental Concepts

To learn more about the concepts we use with our dental teams click here for a printable handout.

PRI MOOO Patient handout

Many of our patients receive a PRI MOOO (Mandibular Occipital Occlusal Orthotic)  which is a  specific type of occlusal orthotic recommended for certain reasons.  Click here for a printable, patient friendly handout on the MOOO appliance

PRI MMOO Patient handout

Some of our patients receive a PRI MMOO (Mandibular Molar Occlusal Orthotic)  which is slightly different than the MOOO appliance.  Click here for a patient handout on this appliance.


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